I have a couple more photos from the summer:
Our first meal in Jeju-do. I thought the pork was going to be crazy spicy. It wasn't that bad, but Minho made me eat this pepper on the side that you can't see in the photo. I nearly died.
Translated: hilarious.
This was a martial art move we learned.
Showing off the bracelets that Mijung (lab secretary, furthest to the right) got us. Mijung made sure we got our fare share of Seoul night life in. I returned to the states utterly exhausted thanks to her.
Korea Mraz.
Working hard, as usual.
One of Minho's high school teachers took us out for an amazing dessert. This came with spoons that were heart-shaped.
Minho on our fishing trip. I couldn't believe how calm the water was at daybreak. I also couldn't believe Minho wore a pink shirt...
Not that any of us looked really masculine that day.
This is where I spent most of my time in lab.
And here are the people that I worked with. Great group (binel.snu.ac.kr). The dumbest kid is the one all the way to the left with the bright shirt.
This was the view from the office. Incredible. You could see all of Seoul on a clear day. This building is the second highest above sea level in Seoul.
I got to climb the mountain on campus, which had equally breathtaking views. All the way to the right on the cliff is a Buddhist temple. Scary place to meditate.
Ugh, I only got one hour of sleep before hiking to the top.
My gracious hosts during the last two weeks of my trip. Jung-il, his wife, and baby.
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