Friday, February 11, 2011

Muffler Melancholy

Those of you familiar with my current mode of transportation may have noticed the loud, rally-car type sound emitted from the back end.  You're also probably acutely aware that my car is definitely not a rally car.  The cause of the noise is a severe structural failure localized at the interface between the exhaust pipe and muffler.  While the noise may be somewhat embarrassing, I've also been petrified for the last month or so knowing that my muffler was hanging on to my car by a mere thread, just waiting to fly off and seriously impale the vehicle driving behind me.  It reminds me of having a loose tooth as a kid.  Only when you lose a tooth, you usually get a small amount of money instead of being sued for large amounts of money.

So the "good" news is that it finally flew off, but not on the expressway while driving 80 mph, and it didn't careen into any other person's car.  It just sort of plopped off in the middle of Neil St.

And I had a friend to document the walk of shame...

Not exactly a smiley moment, but I'm doing it anyways.

Me thinking, "This probably wasn't working great anyways."

Recent idea: buy a '95 accord with a working muffler for $1200...before anything else important falls off the civic.